Poorly Disguised Self Promotion

May 13, 2008

No, I’m not talking about scratching my own back here, I’m talking about when other people do it but try to play it off like they’re being self deprecating. Self deprecating can be cool, but doing it in a way that is the opposite of self deprecating is, well the opposite of cool.

Here’s an example I pulled from an email sent by Search Engine Land: “I’ve been doing backlink analytics for some historic search URLs, just because historic backlink analytics is my idea of fun. I’m so obsessed with it I had my own scripts written to do it. Yes, I know, it’s sad.”

Yo homie, what’s sad is that you’re trying to impress everybody with how technical and obsessed with your work you are, when all you’ve done is sound lame for using such poorly disguised self promotion. Self promoting good.   Self deprecating good.  Just be straight on which one is which.   Reminds me of the not-fat girl who goes compliment fishing by saying she’s fat.  Nuff said.  …Just hatin’ the player.